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About Lee Douglas

"The idea isn't to give people answers, or lead their bark of longing into a safe, dull, protected harbor..., but to make them aware of the depths of possibility in their hearts and lives; help them remove the barriers that keep them from being the people they were meant to be.” - John O' Donohue


Will we be a good fit to work together? 

Here's what most people appreciate about my style: 

I am present. When I listen, I try to do so with my whole body. 

I will be 'real' with you. I'm there to support throughout the process, but ultimately it's your 'path to walk'. 

I believe that the journey to >  personal sovereignty involves distinguishing the things that you have the power to control/change and the parts of yourself that don't need to be changed, but must embraced & accepted. 

My name: Douglas

Something that has undoubtedly shaped who I am & who I am becoming: I’m named after my paternal grandfather, Douglas [who I never had the opportunity to meet in person because he passed suddenly of a heart attack when my father was 12 yrs].

The name ‘Douglas’ [Scottish/Gaelic] means something like: “He who dwells by the dark stream”. Over the past ~13 years, I’ve been working with the intergenerational ripples of grief/loss within my family system and all of the feels, thoughts, dreams, body sensations & behaviors that come with it… the stream is reflective, dark, always moving and has been incredibly challenging to navigate at times, but I’ve committed to continue hanging by it, looking into the mirror: in service of myself, my ancestors, my relationships & for all who I come into contact with personally and professionally. 


My ‘personal growth path' is inextricably linked to the support and container that I’m able to offer others, for which I’m continually humbled by & grateful for. By accepting this “job”, I’ve committed to continually deepen & explore my 'shadow work' along the way with the support of other healers and therapists in my community. As global citizens flying around together on spaceship earth, I truly believe that our collective liberation is bound up together. 


More about my background:

As a Licensed Professional Counselor [LPC] in Colorado & Oregon, my therapeutic orientation is: relational, somatic and nature-based.  I earned a Master's Degree from Naropa University in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Wilderness Therapy and presented at Naropa's Wilderness Therapy Conference: "Social Justice & Wilderness Therapy: Theory & Application". 


Prior to becoming a therapist, I taught high school English and Algebra Special Education in Eastern North Carolina through Teach for America and completed my post-graduate licensure hours at a nature-based school & young adult program in Costa Rica, where I lived, learned and surfed for over three years. I graduated from Innate Path, a trauma-focused psychedelic psychotherapy certificate program and I consistently participate in psychedelic informed therapeutic consultation groups, conferences and engage in individual professional supervision. 

Over the past fifteen years, I've volunteered and fundraised for local and national organizations that support people with disabilities and rode my bike from San Francisco to Washington D.C. over the summer of 2008 to advocate for the cause. I view oppression, power and privilege as issues that impact all of us and that we are intrinsically interconnected. Environmental stewardship and sustaining a healthy relationship with the natural world is important to me.

In my personal time, I enjoy meandering and playing outside, practicing yoga, learning brazilian jiu jitsu, being around live music, making & eating wood-fired pizza and playing with my dog 'Lou'. 

© 2024 Douglas Psychotherapy & Wayfarer Wellness LLC

Lee Douglas Nadeau, LPC

Office: 17 NW Irving Ave, Bend, OR 97703

*all photos & videos captured by Lee over the years in CO, CA, VT & Costa Rica

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